Precision-Guided Neuro Catheter Placement and Monitoring.

Supported by:

    • VentureKick
    • BeAdvanced
    • SSC
    • Innosuisse
    • Bern

About Rhovica Neuroimaging

Rhovica Neuroimagings core technology allows optimizing the emergency tratment of patients at risk of raised intra-cranial pressure. Saving time, improving neurological outcomes, and reducing costs.

Placement of EVD's is one of the most basic and often performed neurosurgical procedures and often can be a life-saving procedure. Freehand bedside EVD placement is usually performed solely by anatomical landmarks and carries the risk of misplacement.


Latest news about Rhovica Neuroimaging.

Startups developing microwave passive devices, a NMR-based fragment screening platform, a new way to play videogames, miniature sensors in the EVD, an handwriting iPad app for children, and radiation hard silicon carbide sensors each win CHF 10,000

MinWave Technologies, NexMR, OVOMIND, Rhovica Neuroimaging, School Rebound, and SenSiC win Venture Kicks first stage of financial and entrepreneurial support. Their projects offer microwave passive devices 10 times smaller and 10 times lighter, aim to facilitate the study of challenging systems and assist biotechs in their journey to address unmet medical needs, compute biosignals from wearable devices and delivers real-time emotional data for interaction in videogames, enable a safe and fast external ventricular drain insertion that prevents devastating complications, help children improve their handwriting, and use a novel material, Silicon Carbide (SiC), and two novel technologies to fabricate and commercialize new beam monitors.

Executive Team

Meet the Executive Team behind Rhovica Neuroimaging.

  • Blair Fraser, BSc

    Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Blair has over 35 years of global medical device experience and is leading the team at Rhovica Neuroimaging as CEO. He is skilled in a wide range of corporate functions, including general management, global evidence-based marketing, strategic analysis and planning, mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances, and scientific and medical affairs. He has experience of start-up, rapid growth, and established MedTech companies, with a proven track record of new market identification, penetration with new technologies, KOL network building, and sustainably increasing market share.

  • Dr. med. Martin Hlavica

    Neurosurgeon, Co-Founder & Co-CEO

    Board-certified neurosurgeon with 500+ neurosurgical interventions, completing residency in University Hospitals Zurich and Inselspital Bern, driven by evidence-based medicine, (co-)author of >20 publications in peer-reviewed journals and speaker at international congresses. Ambitious to make an impact in patient’s treatment with high interest in business creation and economics.

  • Dr. med. univ. Thomas Rhomberg

    Neurosurgeon, Co-Founder & CMO

    Thomas Rhomberg is the company`s co-founder and board-certified Neurosurgeon currently working as an attending Neurosurgeon in Austria. He completed his MD from the Medical University of Innsbruck with a research exchange at the Harvard Medical School. Previous parts of his neurosurgical were completed at the University Hospital of Bern (Inselspital) and the Kantonsspital St. Gallen. He is driven by the desire to translate the latest technology into improved patient care.

  • Saeid Kasiri, Ph.D

    Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

    Engineer by training, Saeid has over 15 years of R&D experience in leading and developing Class II/III medical devices, including active, implantable, and catheter-based technologies. He has dedicated most of his career to startups and SMEs, with a successful track record of leading cross-functional teams, design control, and risk management. Saeid translates unmet clinical needs into innovative and effective design solutions.

Functional Team

Meet the Functional Team behind Rhovica Neuroimaging.

  • Abed Hammoud, DSc, MBA

    Chief Technology Advisor

    A senior executive in the medical technology sector, engaged over the past +28 years in various leading roles ranging from pioneering early-stage development in successful startup companies (surgical navigation – StealthStation™) to technology rollouts for major multinationals (deep brain stimulation) and more recently, in corporate turnarounds (neurosurgical robotics - Neuromate®).

  • Martin Fuchs

    Quality System Manager

    Martin Fuchs has many years of sales experience in the healthcare sector and is experienced in conception and realization of eHealth software solutions and Quality Systems.


The SoNav catheter is supported by leading Neurosurgeons.

    • The SoNav-System from Rhovica Neuroimaging will finally solve the two major problems that are associated with the current external ventricular drains, leading to better patient outcomes.

      Prof. Dr. med. David Bervini, MAdvSurg
      Neurosurgeon at the University Hospital Bern (Inselspital)